The Core Curriculum Competencies listed below identify what you will be able to do as a graduate, regardless of your program of study. You will acquire these core competencies through general education courses and program-specific coursework. You will be expected to use relevant technology to achieve these outcomes:
Students interested in transferring to a four-year institution, must consult with their program advisor, counselor, or the admissions department at the receiving institution to find out how a transferable course will apply to their intended major requirements as well as to determine the age limits of acceptable courses.
Select thirty-two (32) general elective credits in your area of interest.
UNDERSTANDING THE ELECTIVE COURSES (32 credits) These may include any combination of college-level courses recommended/required for a discipline major and/or courses from the General Education offerings in Communications, Humanities, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, & Social and Behavioral Sciences. Excluded are college transitional courses and courses designed especially for allied health/nursing curricula. When choosing electives, students should give careful attention to their major field of study and to the requirements of the institution to which they plan to transfer. Certain technical/occupational courses can be used to satisfy this area requirement. Please consult with an Advisor.