Course Number and Title:
MET 264 Material Science
Prerequisite: MET 242 or CET 270 or CHM 150 or higher
Course Credits and Hours
4 credit(s)
3 lecture hours/week
2 lab hours/week
Course Description
This course covers the physical, chemical, and mechanical properties of metals, ceramics, plastics, and other engineering materials. Specific topics include ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, heat treatment, common polymers, microstructure examination, composite systems, and corrosion. The laboratory component of the course includes standard methods for determining the properties of common materials.
Additional Materials
Core Course Performance Objectives (CCPOs)
- Explain major mechanical, physical, and chemical properties of engineering materials. (CCC 1, 2, 3, 5, 6; PGC 3, 5)
- Perform common laboratory tests to determine material properties. (CCC 1, 2, 3, 5, 6; PGC 3, 5)
- Explain common mechanical, physical, and fabrication properties of ferrous and nonferrous metals. (CCC 1, 2, 3, 5, 6; PGC 3, 5)
- Explain and apply common heat treatment techniques for ferrous and non-ferrous metals. (CCC 1, 2, 3, 5, 6; PGC 3, 5)
- Interpret common mechanical, physical, and fabrication properties of polymers and composites. (CCC 1, 2, 3, 5, 6; PGC 3, 5)
- Interpret common mechanical, physical, and fabrication properties of ceramics. (CCC 1, 2, 3, 5, 6; PGC 3, 5)
See Core Curriculum Competencies and Program Graduate Competencies at the end of the syllabus. CCPOs are linked to every competency they develop.
Measurable Performance Objectives (MPOs)
Upon completion of this course, the student will:
- Explain major mechanical, physical, and chemical properties of engineering materials.
- Identify the states of matter.
- Define elements, compounds, and mixtures.
- Discuss the structure of atoms.
- Differentiate among ionic, covalent, and metallic bonds.
- Recognize any of the seven crystal systems.
- Describe the nature of chemical imperfections and dislocations.
- Differentiate among the basic categories of engineering materials (e.g., metals, polymers, ceramics, and composites) in terms of their chemical and mechanical characteristics.
- Differentiate by mechanical properties among metals, ceramics, polymers, and composites.
- Perform common laboratory tests to determine material properties.
- List the major material properties.
- Define the following physical properties: melting point, thermal, magnetic, electrical, optical, acoustic, and gravimetric
- Define the following mechanical properties: tensile strength, toughness, ductility, fatigue, hardness, creep resistance, heat distortion, compression strength, pressure velocity (PV) limit, fracture toughness, yield strength, and proportional limit.
- Relate material properties to material structure and state of processing.
- Describe the basic factors involved in material selection.
- Conduct the following mechanical tests, and write a report to explain the procedure and discuss tensile, compression, impact, and torsion.
- Conduct several hardness tests on a variety of materials, and write a brief report outlining the procedure and discussing the results.
- Recognize the differences between stress-strain diagrams of ductile and brittle materials.
- Describe the nature of oxidation, aqueous corrosion, and galvanic corrosion.
- Describe the basic methods of corrosion prevention.
- Describe the effects of processing on corrosion resistance for metals, polymers, and composites.
- Research, report on, and perform one standard corrosion test.
- Explain common mechanical, physical, and fabrication properties of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.
- List and explain the major steps in the steelmaking process.
- Differentiate between carbon steel and low-alloy steel.
- Differentiate among cast iron, steel, and stainless steel.
- Differentiate among Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), American Iron & Steel Institute (AISI), and unified numbering systems (UNS) classifications.
- Identify common metal-forming processes.
- List the applications of common types of steels, cast irons, and stainless steels.
- List the advantages and disadvantages of ferrous metals as compared to other engineering materials.
- List the common alloying elements, and describe the effects on the properties of ferrous metals.
- Prepare and examine at least one metallographic specimen, and write a brief report outlining the procedure and discussing the results.
- Define non-ferrous metal.
- List the properties of aluminum alloys.
- State temper designation for aluminum alloys.
- List the advantages, disadvantages, properties, and applications of each of the following nonferrous metal alloy groupings: magnesium, titanium, copper, nickel, aluminum, and zinc.
- List the advantages and disadvantages of nonferrous metals as compared to other engineering materials.
- Identify and explain key features of a typical binary phase diagram for a non-ferrous metal.
- Explain and apply common heat treatment techniques for ferrous and non-ferrous metals..
- State the basic hardening process for steels.
- Identify and explain key features of a typical iron-carbon diagram.
- Describe the microstructural changes that occur during the various heat treatment processes of plain carbon steel.
- Identify and explain key features of a typical temperature-time-transformation (TTT) diagram.
- Differentiate between hardness and hardenability.
- Describe the differences, benefits, and indications for various types of heat treatments for both ferrous and nonferrous metals.
- Cut five (5) specimens from carbon steel stocks of and heat treat as follows: hardened, tempered, normalized, and annealed.
- Prepare all five (5) specimens for metallurgical examination using the automatic polishing technique (instead of the manual method).
- Report on changes in structures of the heat treated specimens versus the control specimen, and report and explain any trends and correlation between hardness property and microstructure; identify original carbon steel stocks.
- Interpret common mechanical, physical, and fabrication properties of polymers and composites.
- Differentiate between thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers.
- Differentiate among general use, engineering, and elastomeric thermoplastic polymers.
- Differentiate between addition polymerization and condensation polymerization.
- Differentiate between branching and cross-linking structures in polymeric materials.
- Identify the raw materials and processing steps for plastics.
- Differentiate among the following additives: plasticizer, filler, reinforcement, and stabilizer.
- Demonstrate a familiarity with the major mechanical properties of polymers.
- Differentiate among the reinforcement types used in composite manufacturing.
- Describe anisotropy as applied to both natural and manufactured fiber-reinforced composites.
- Perform an American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard test for one mechanical property of plastic or composite.
- List the advantages and disadvantages of polymeric materials and composite materials as compared to other engineering materials.
- List the applications of polymeric and composite materials.
- Interpret common mechanical, physical, and fabrication properties of ceramics.
- Differentiate among ceramics, glasses, glass-ceramics, and cements.
- Differentiate among silicate, no silicate, and non-oxide ceramics.
- Describe the following with respect to ceramics: brittle fracture, static fatigue, creep, thermal shock, and viscous deformation.
- Differentiate among transparency, translucency, and opacity.
- List the advantages and disadvantages of ceramic materials as compared to other engineering materials.
- List the applications of ceramic materials.
- Perform tests to determine the major mechanical properties of ceramics.
Evaluation Criteria/Policies
The grade will be determined using the Delaware Tech grading system:
90-100 |
= |
A |
80-89 |
= |
B |
70-79 |
= |
C |
0-69 |
= |
F |
Students should refer to the
Catalog/Student Handbook for information on the Academic Standing Policy, the Academic Integrity Policy, Student Rights and Responsibilities, and other policies relevant to their academic progress.
Final Course Grade
Calculated using the following weighted average
Evaluation Measure | Percentage of final grade |
Summative Assessments |
Exams (Equally Weighted) | 60% |
Lab Reports (Equally Weighted) | 15% |
Presentation | 5% |
Group Assignment | 5% |
Formative Assessments |
Quizzes (Equally Weighted)
| 15% |
TOTAL | 100% |
Program Graduate Competencies (PGCs are the competencies every graduate will develop specific to his or her major)
- Safely utilize typical machine shop equipment and manufacturing techniques to accurately manufacture projects.
- Perform calculations of forces to size and select structural components and appropriate materials.
- Perform calculations of all parameters to size components related to various mechanical system designs.
- Interpret and produce good mechanical engineering drawings and effectively create solid models of parts and assemblies.
- Exhibit professional traits, including the ability to work with minimal supervision independently while contributing to team project, using effective problem-solving skills and make appropriate decisions relative to the technical field.
Core Curriculum Competencies (CCCs are the competencies every graduate will develop)
- Apply clear and effective communication skills.
- Use critical thinking to solve problems.
- Collaborate to achieve a common goal.
- Demonstrate professional and ethical conduct.
- Use information literacy for effective vocational and/or academic research.
- Apply quantitative reasoning and/or scientific inquiry to solve practical problems.
Students in Need of Accommodations Due to a Disability
We value all individuals and provide an inclusive environment that fosters equity and student success. The College is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. Students are encouraged to schedule an appointment with the campus Disabilities Support Counselor to request an accommodation needed due to a disability. The College's policy on accommodations for persons with disabilities can be found in the College's Guide to Requesting Academic Accommodations and/or Auxiliary Aids Students may also access the Guide and contact information for Disabilities Support Counselors through the Student Resources web page under Disabilities Support Services, or visit the campus Advising Center.