MET 242 Strength of Materials

This course covers the stresses, strains, and deformations caused by axial, shear, flexural, and torsional forces on structural systems. Stress-strain diagrams are created to identify material properties, and allowable stresses and safety factors are computed to ensure safe design based on material or cross-sections chosen.




Prerequisite: MET 132 or CET 258

See Course Syllabus

Course Number and Title:

MET 242 Strength of Materials

Campus Location

  • Stanton

Effective Date



Prerequisite: MET 132 or CET 258

Course Credits and Hours

3 credit(s)

2 lecture hours/week

2 lab hours/week

Course Description

This course covers the stresses, strains, and deformations caused by axial, shear, flexural, and torsional forces on structural systems. Stress-strain diagrams are created to identify material properties, and allowable stresses and safety factors are computed to ensure safe design based on material or cross-sections chosen.

Additional Materials


Required Text(s)

Obtain current textbook information by viewing the campus bookstore - online or visit a campus bookstore. Check your course schedule for the course number and section.



Core Course Performance Objectives (CCPOs)

  1. Calculate internal reaction forces/moments at any point in a beam and create shear force & bending moment diagrams to graphically represent them. (CCC 2, 6; PGC 2)
  2. Identify the types of stresses caused by the forces/moments on systems and calculate them (axial, shear, flexural, torsional). (CCC 2, 6; PGC 2)
  3. Calculate the deformation and strain caused by the forces/moments on a system. (CCC 2, 5, 6; PGC 2)
  4. Calculate stress, strain and deformation of systems exposed to thermal changes. (CCC 2, 5, 6; PGC 2)
  5. Perform material testing to gather data to create stress-strain diagrams and identify material properties. (CCC 1, 2, 3, 6; PGC 2, 5)
  6. Utilize the concepts of allowable stress and safety factor to select material and/or size components of a system for safety. (CCC 2, 5, 6; PGC 2, 5)
  7. Use computer software to solve for various stresses on structural systems. (CCC 1, 2, 6; PGC 2, 5)

See Core Curriculum Competencies and Program Graduate Competencies at the end of the syllabus. CCPOs are linked to every competency they develop.

Measurable Performance Objectives (MPOs)

Upon completion of this course, the student will:

  1. Calculate internal reaction forces/moments at any point in a beam and create shear force & bending moment diagrams to graphically represent them.
    1. Draw free-body diagrams of sections of a beam at various points.
    2. Use the equilibrium equations to calculate the magnitude and direction of the internal forces/moment of the sections.
    3. Calculate shear force and bending moment values using sections and the moment-area method.
    4. Plot shear force and bending moment values correctly on the diagrams and connect them with the appropriate line types.
    5. Identify the maximum values from the diagrams created.
  2. Identify the types of stresses caused by the forces/moments on systems and calculate them (axial, shear, flexural, torsional).
    1. Evaluate what is physically occurring in a body/system (push/pull/slip/twist/bend).
    2. Identify the appropriate stress(es) caused by the loading and correlate to the appropriate equation(s).
    3. Calculate the stress(es) and their directionality.
  3. Calculate the deformation and strain caused by the forces/moments on a system.
    1. Draw free-body diagrams of sections of a beam/shaft at various points.
    2. Use the equilibrium equations to calculate the magnitude and direction of the internal forces/moment of the sections.
    3. Use the calculated forces/moments to find deformation magnitude and direction in each section.
    4. Determine the maximum/total deformation and direction in a system.
    5. Calculate strain values based on deformations found.
  4. Calculate stress, strain and deformation of systems exposed to thermal changes.
    1. Identify thermal coefficient of expansion for the material and whether it will grow/shrink.
    2. Calculate deformation based on material and temperature change.
    3. Calculate strain based on deformation.
    4. Use equilibrium equations and manner of deformation to calculate the stress in a body.
  5. Perform material testing to gather data to create stress-strain diagrams and identify material properties.
    1. Use testing and metrology equipment to gather data following applicable standards.
    2. Manipulate data to create a stress-strain diagram.
    3. Identify material properties from the diagram such as proportional limit, yield, ultimate stresses and modulus (elastic/shear).
  6. Utilize the concepts of allowable stress and safety factor to select material and/or size components of a system for safety.
    1. Utilize material properties and safety factor to calculate the allowable stress for a system.
    2. Calculate the factor of safety in a system from the applied stress and the material properties.
    3. Select an appropriate material for systems based on the applied stresses.
    4. Size system components based on their material and stresses applied.
  7. Use computer software to solve for various stresses on systems.
    1. Use computer applications for stress calculations.
    2. Use computer applications to create shear force and bending moment diagrams.

Evaluation Criteria/Policies

The grade will be determined using the Delaware Tech grading system:

90-100 = A
80-89 = B
70-79 = C
0-69 = F
Students should refer to the Catalog/Student Handbook for information on the Academic Standing Policy, the Academic Integrity Policy, Student Rights and Responsibilities, and other policies relevant to their academic progress.

Final Course Grade

Calculated using the following weighted average

Evaluation Measure

Percentage of final grade

Summative Assessments

Exams (midterm 50%, final 50%)


Formative Assessments

The course will contain various formative assessments including but not limited to:




(These assignments are not equally weighted)




Program Graduate Competencies (PGCs are the competencies every graduate will develop specific to his or her major)

  1. Safely utilize typical machine shop equipment and manufacturing techniques to accurately manufacture projects.
  2. Perform calculations of forces to size and select structural components and appropriate materials.
  3. Perform calculations of all parameters to size components related to various mechanical system designs.
  4. Interpret and produce good mechanical engineering drawings and effectively create solid models of parts and assemblies.
  5. Exhibit professional traits, including the ability to work with minimal supervision independently while contributing to team project, using effective problem-solving skills and make appropriate decisions relative to the technical field.

Core Curriculum Competencies (CCCs are the competencies every graduate will develop)

  1. Apply clear and effective communication skills.
  2. Use critical thinking to solve problems.
  3. Collaborate to achieve a common goal.
  4. Demonstrate professional and ethical conduct.
  5. Use information literacy for effective vocational and/or academic research.
  6. Apply quantitative reasoning and/or scientific inquiry to solve practical problems.

Students in Need of Accommodations Due to a Disability

We value all individuals and provide an inclusive environment that fosters equity and student success. The College is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. Students are encouraged to schedule an appointment with the campus Disabilities Support Counselor to request an accommodation needed due to a disability. The College's policy on accommodations for persons with disabilities can be found in the College's Guide to Requesting Academic Accommodations and/or Auxiliary Aids Students may also access the Guide and contact information for Disabilities Support Counselors through the Student Resources web page under Disabilities Support Services, or visit the campus Advising Center.

Minimum Technology Requirements

Minimum technology requirements for online, hybrid, video conferencing and web conferencing courses.