2025-2026 Catalog/Student Handbook

Mission Statement

Delaware Technical Community College - Students are at the center of everything we do. We empower students to change their lives through comprehensive educational opportunities and holistic support services that promote equitable outcomes. As the state’s only community college, we provide quality education that responds to workforce and community needs, leverages partnerships, and strengthens Delaware’s economy. We embrace the diversity of all individuals by nurturing an inclusive culture that institutionalizes access and equity for student success.

Mission Goals

To fulfill the Mission, Delaware Tech will:

  1. Prepare students for transition to employment and/or continued academic opportunities through comprehensive educational offerings.
  2. Cultivate learning, equitable outcomes, and student success through programs and holistic services.
  3. Strengthen programs and services through community engagement.
  4. Promote an inclusive culture that advances diversity and equity.
  5. Expand and utilize public and private resources to support student success.

Effective July 1, 2023

Institutional Effectiveness

The College has established an institutional effectiveness structure that demonstrates effectiveness through the assessment and improvement of mission goal outcomes at the institutional level, student learning outcomes at the program level and educational support outcomes at the unit level.

Outcomes assessment information relevant to potential students is available from the specific academic program and may include performance indicators such as national examination pass rates, internship or clinical performance ratings, portfolio or capstone project assessment, job placement rates, etc. Students interested in this information should talk with the academic program chairperson.