Statement of Nondiscrimination Policy

It is the policy of the College that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, family or marital status, pregnancy, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation or genetic information be subjected to any discrimination prohibited by the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, as amended; Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972; the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008; Delaware's anti-discrimination law and other applicable laws, regulations and Executive Orders.

All persons associated with the college are subject to this policy while on property owned or controlled by the college or while acting in an official capacity, including faculty, staff, officers, trustees, volunteers, contractors and vendors. In addition, this policy applies to conduct that occurs off college property or is otherwise unrelated to the person's association with the college if:

  1. The conduct was in connection with a college or college-recognized program, activity or event;
  2. The conduct is alleged to have created a hostile environment for a member of the college community;
  3. The conduct disrupts the normal operations and processes of the college and is offensive to the college's mission;
  4. The continued presence of the individual accused of violating this policy poses a moderate or higher threat to any member of the college community; or
  5. The nature of the alleged conduct adversely affects the reputation, mission, image or public perception of the college.

This policy applies to recruitment, employment and subsequent placement, training, promotion, compensation, continuation, probation, discharge and other terms and conditions of employment over which the College has jurisdiction as well as to all educational programs and activities. The College has designated a Civil Rights Coordinator, who serves as the College’s Title IX Coordinator and the College’s ADA/Section 504 Coordinator, to carry out its commitment to equal opportunity and nondiscrimination. Inquiries or complaints by students or employees regarding the College’s nondiscrimination policies may be addressed to: Janis C. Beach, Civil Rights & Title IX Coordinator, Office of the President, 100 Campus Drive, Dover, DE 19904, (302) 857-1903, (Revised Board of Trustees 6/18/2018)