Tuition/Fee Adjustment Policy Course or Semester Withdrawal

To receive a tuition/fee adjustment for a course drop, the student must first officially drop the course (see Course Drop/Add/Withdrawal Procedure). Students will not be charged any tuition or refundable fees (lab or technology support) for courses dropped before or during the first week of the session. Students will be responsible for 50% of the tuition and refundable fees for courses dropped during the second week of the session. After the second week, students may officially withdraw from a class, but there is no tuition/fee adjustment.

Students are responsible for 100% of tuition and fees for officially withdrawn courses. For courses less than four weeks in length, there is no tuition/fee adjustment period. Students enrolled in these courses on the first day of the session are responsible for 100% of the assessed tuition and fees. The following fees are non-refundable: registration, late registration, student services, healthcare program, credit by examination, evaluation of work experience, and pass-through fees.